Quantum Hub
Satellite communications are an essential element to expand quantum communications beyond the limits of fibre based links, towards the realization of a global network based on quantum states.
Furthermore, free-space communications are necessary in those situations where a fiber-based connection cannot be established, such as for drone, vehicles or ships communications.
The Vigo Satellite Quantum Hub is developing infrastructures, techniques and experiments to progress in this field. By developing dedicated terminals and establishing high-performance optical links within and beyond Earth atmosphere, and through collaborations at national and international level, the research group is developing a ground-to-space interface for optical and quantum communication.

Journal papers
International conferences
- H. Thiel, A. Magdalena, A. Lamas “An OGS on the western coast of Europe”, QTX-8 workshop on Quantum Technologies on Small Satellites, Technical University of Munich, Munich (Germany), 5-7 August 2024.
Á. Magdalena, H. Thiel, D. Rusca, A. Lamas-Linares, “Entangled Photon Pair Source for Quantum Key Distribution”, 14th international conference on quantum cryptography (QCRYPT2024), Vigo, Spain, 2-6 September 2024.
National conferences
H. Thiel, “On-chip time-bin entanglement at telecom wavelengths”, XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, School of Engineering of Gipuzkoa, San Sebastián (Spain), 15-19 July 2024.