The VQCC visits
the University of Leeds.
The PhD student, Vaisakh Mannalath, from the VQCC has recently visited the University of Leeds (UK) from February 3rd to March 10th 2024, in the context of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie project entitled “Quantum-Safe Project (QSI)”, which is coordinated by Prof. Marcos Curty from the University of Vigo.
During his research stay, Vaisakh had the enriching opportunity to work under the guidance of Prof. Mohsen Razavi in the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Pollard Institute. His focus was on the theoretical aspects of all-photonic quantum repeaters for multipartite quantum state distribution, a critical area for the advancement of quantum-safe internet networks.
Weekly discussions with Prof. Razavi and engaging interactions with his research group, including his PhD student, Javier Rey Domínguez, who is also a member of the QSI network, highlighted his experience. This collaborative environment not only enhanced his understanding but also integrated him into a vibrant academic community working at the cutting edge of quantum communications.
The theoretical work, although challenging, was profoundly rewarding, and the dynamic campus environment of Leeds provided an excellent backdrop for his research activities. Vaisakh plans to revisit Leeds in the future to continue this collaboration. Meanwhile, he is extending the project remotely from the VQCC, maintaining an active online collaboration with Prof. Razavi and his team.
This research stay was not only a milestone in his professional journey but also a testament to the global collaboration that is essential for the progress in quantum technologies.