A quantum computer places Galicia at
the forefront of research and innovation.
Santiago de Compostela, October 2, 2023.- The Minister of Economy, Industry and Innovation, María Jesús Lorenzana, inaugurated today at the Supercomputing Center of Galicia (Cesga) the quantum computer with the highest power (32 qubits) installed in a public R + D + i institution in southern Europe.
The computer will be open to research and innovation from all academic and business sectors, and as Lorenzana pointed out, it will constitute the main infrastructure of the Quantum Technologies Pole that the Galician Government is promoting with the aim of placing Galicia at the forefront in this field, supporting the innovative ecosystem and attracting research talent.
The infrastructure represents an investment of 13.9 million euros, financed by the Xunta de Galicia with funds from the React UE program of the Feder Galicia 2014-2020 operational program within its commitment to the digital transition of the productive system and to have the best research infrastructures.
As Lorenzana pointed out, the new quantum computer will allow companies, technology centers and research groups to improve their competitiveness and productivity by accessing a wide variety of applications that will transform their processes and improve their investment strategies, which will require qualified personnel. Thus, the University of Coruña, the University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of Vigo have launched the first edition of the master’s degree in quantum.
In her speech, the Minister of Economy, Industry and Innovation advocated turning the application of these technologies into a way to attract companies and develop their competitiveness, noting that quantum technologies will transform all sectors, among which she cited medicine, aeronautics, biotechnology or finance. Likewise, he pointed out the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors to advance innovation and economic growth.
The contract with Fujitsu, awarded the tender for the quantum computer, includes different complementary infrastructures, and a collaboration plan that incorporates the start-up of the international center of excellence in quantum technologies in Galicia. The initiative is part of the pole of Quantum Technologies of Galicia promoted by the Xunta, within the framework of which investments amounting to more than 30 million euros are being made.
In this field, the Galician Network of Quantum Technologies has also been launched, a collaboration network between the Administration, technology and research centers, universities and the business sector to join efforts and advance in the leadership of Galicia in these technologies.