The VQCC at the XXXIX
Physics Biennial in San Sebastián.
On July 15-19 2024, eight members of the Vigo Quantum Communication Center (VQCC) attended the XXXIX Physics Biennial in the city of San Sebastián. The Physics Biennial is organized every two years by the Spanish Royal Physics Society (RSEF), and covers several areas of physics through different symposia.
It is structured around plenary sessions in the mornings, with lectures given by world class experts, and specialized symposia in the afternoons covering different fields. The Biennial offers the possibility to discuss and share research advances, technology transfer, dissemination and teaching of physics. Support for young researchers and awards for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers is provided. Activities are also organized to disseminate physics and its contribution to the general public.
Margarida Pereira, Xoel Sixto, Guillermo Currás, Victor Zapatero, Ana Blázquez, Ainhoa Agulleiro and Hannah Thiel attended the conference and gave talks about their latest results in quantum communication.