The VQCC at the Workshop on
Gaussian and non-Gaussian Quantum Correlations
Prof. Marcos Curty has given a talk about “Approaches to achieve implementation security in quantum key distribution and their main challenges” at the Workshop on Gaussian and non-Gaussian Quantum Correlations organised in Copenhagen, on December 18-20, 2023, by the Technical University of Denmark.
The workshop aims to bring together researchers working on fundamental and applied aspects of quantum correlations within quantum information science and technology. This includes topics like quantum nonlocality and steering, secure quantum information processing, device independence, entanglement generation, distribution, and certification, quantum computing, and quantum sensing.
The event is an opportunity to present recent advances and results, and establish scientific collaborations. This workshop follows a preliminary one on Continuous-Variable Quantum Correlations, which took place in Copenhagen in 2022, but now with a wider scope including both continuous- and discrete-variable quantum correlations. The organising committee is composed by Ulrik Lund Andersen, Jonatan Bohr Brask, and Elizabeth Agudelo.