The VQCC at
the ISNTT2024 in Japan.
The VQCC attended the International School and Symposium on Nanodevices and quanTum Technologies (ISNTT 2024) in Tokyo, Japan, from December 2 to 6, 2024. This event was focused on the latest developments in the physics and technologies of nanoscale quantum and photonic devices. The event was organized by NTT Basic Research Laboratories (NTT BRL) and hosted invited and contributed presentations at the NTT Atsugi R&D center in Japan. It is held biennially and it brings together leading academics, scientists, and students with NTT BRL researchers to foster communication and collaboration. On the other hand, the theme of the School was Quantum Information (Theory and Experiment).
During these days, Prof. Marcos Curty gave a tutorial talk in the School entitled “Introduction to quantum key distribution: from theory to experiments and back” and an invited talk in the Symposium entitled “Advances and Challenges in Quantum Key Distribution”. Moreover, our PhD Ana Blázquez presented a poster entitled “A simple , self-testing quantum random number generator”.
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