Satellite Quantum Hub
Receives First Telescope


The Satellite Quantum Hub has received its first telescope, marking a key milestone in the development of free-space quantum key distribution (QKD) experiments. The new telescope, equipped with a 30cm primary mirror, will enable initial tests, characterization measurements, and quantum communication experiments, setting the stage for future advancements in satellite-based quantum technologies. Crucially, the new telescope paves the way for the full-scale optical ground station (OGS), which will feature an 80cm primary mirror and is slated for installation by the end of the year.

Free-space-based and especially satellite-based quantum communication is a cutting-edge technology aimed at enhancing secure communications. It uses quantum mechanics principles to create cryptographic keys that are difficult to intercept or hack. The ground sector required for satellite-based quantum communication consists of optical telescopes that act as transmitters or receivers for the quantum states.

As the Satellite Quantum Hub continues to evolve, the setup of a big optical ground station will significantly bolster its performance, increasing its light-gathering capabilities. The hub aims to provide a platform for researchers to conduct globe-spanning experiments that will revolutionize data security.