Quantum Safe Internet:
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network
The MSCA doctoral network QSI (Quantum-Safe Internet) is accepting applications for its well-funded openings for doctoral candidates (DCs) at its partner institutes. QSI aims at training a world-class cohort of DCs capable of taking the next essential steps in the highly demanding area of cybersecurity. We aim to build strong lasting links between strategically selected industry and academic partners, in different disciplines, via the development of novel technologies for practical applications in data security. In parallel, we will also combine, via a collaborative long-term interdisciplinary approach, expertise in all relevant communities to address key fundamental problems in secure communications in the quantum era, and the important applications therein.
Coordinated by the VQCC, the project consortium embraces excellent European Institutions, including Sorbonne University (France), University of Padova (Italy), University of Bochum (Germany), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Technical University Eindhoven (Netherlands), Technical University Denmark (Denmark), University of Vigo (Spain), Toshiba Research Europe Ltd (UK), University of Leeds (UK), ID Quantique SA (Switzerland), and University of Geneva (Switzerland), inter alia. Among them they offer high-level training to 12 DCs. DCs will be supervised by researchers across the network, will be exposed to different sectors via planned placements, attend summer schools, and contribute to and organise workshops and conferences.
Successful candidates will have a 3-years contract, and must be eligible to enrol on a PhD programme at the host institution (or at a designated university if the host institution is not an academic organisation). Also, candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host organisation for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date.

The list of available projects, together with the contact information of the main supervisors, is the following:
- Secure Key-Exchange in a Quantum World
Main supervisor: Andreas Hülsing, Technical University Eindhoven - Quantum Key Distribution with Enhanced Security and Performance
Main supervisor: Marcos Curty, University of Vigo - Quantum-Enhanced Secure Multiparty Computing
Main supervisor: Eleni Diamanti, Sorbonne University - Quantum Security of Memory-Hard Functions
Main supervisor: Christian Schaffner, University of Amsterdam - From Classical to Quantum Cryptoanalysis of Post-Quantum Cryptography
Main supervisor: Alexander May, University of Bochum - Twin-Field Quantum Key Distribution on Installed Fibre Networks
Main supervisor: Andrew Shields, Toshiba Research Europe - QKD in Modern Telecommunications Networks.
Main supervisor: Hugo Zbinden, University of Geneva - Intermodal Quantum Communications in Free-Space and Fibre
Main supervisor: Paolo Villoresi, University of Padova - Trust-Free Packet-Switched Quantum Communications Networks
Main supervisor: Mohsen Razavi, University of Leeds - Hybridisation of Physical and Mathematical Cryptographic Primitives for a Quantum-Safe Internet
Main supervisor: Kevin Layat, ID Quantique - Quantum cryptographic schemes for quantum networks
Main supervisor: Marcos Curty, University of Vigo - Efficient security for post-quantum key encapsulation with correctness errors
Main supervisor: Christian Majenz, Technical University Denmark
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact the corresponding supervisors and/or the network coordinator (Marcos Curty, mcurty@com.uvigo.es) for more information.